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What do you do in the library on Sundays?
(Fall 24)
We thank you in advance for your answers to this questionnaire, which will enable us to adapt the offer on Sundays!
Which library are you in?
Research library (@St-Thomas)
Floors on 27, rue St-Guillaume
Ground Floor
1st Floor
2nd Floor
3rd Floor
4th Floor
5th Floor
Ground Floor
1st Floor
2nd Floor
3rd Floor
4th Floor
5th Floor
On average, how long does it take you to get to the Science Po Library on Sundays?
Less than 15 minutes
Less than 30 minutes
Less than 1 hour
More than 1 hour
Less than 15 minutes
Less than 30 minutes
Less than 1 hour
More than 1 hour
What is your opinion on the extension of the opening days to 4 Sundays during the examination period? (2 answers possible)
The extended opening days on Sundays meet my expectations exactly
The proposed schedules suit me
I would like the Library to be open on Sundays during the entire year
The proposed schedules do not suit me
The chosen period is not adapted to my needs
I have no opinion on the subject
Réponses possibles : 2
You plan to stay in the library
Less than 10 minutes
Less than half an hour
Less than 1 hour
From 1 to 2 hours
More than 2 hours
Half a day
The whole day
Less than 10 minutes
Less than half an hour
Less than 1 hour
From 1 to 2 hours
More than 2 hours
Half a day
The whole day
Primary purpose of your visit (several possible answers):
to use the library Wifi
to print / scan / copy
to check in / out library items
to check in / out materials
to ask a librarian
a quiet place to study
to use a group study room
to use spaces dedicated to disabled people
to meet with classmates/friends
print materials
Réponses possibles : 9
Other, please specify
What did you use during your visit (several possible answers):
Saisie obligatoire
e-resources from the library website
software on library computers
library computer
copy machine/printer/scanner
personal computers/laptop
library web site
self-checkout machines
library books
personnal books
Réponses possibles : 6
Other, please specify
On a scale from 0 to 10, at which level would you recommend your friends to use the library on Sundays? (0= not at all ; 10= with out hesitation)
Saisie obligatoire
Minimum : 0 Maximum : 10
You are:
1st year
Master 2nd year (M2)
High school student
2nd year
Sciences po tenured staff
3rd year
Prépa concours
a professor or a researcher outside Sciences Po
Undergraduate Exchange Student
a continuing education student at Sciences Po
Master 1st year (M1)
a student at an institution outside Sciences Po
Réponses possibles : 3
Other, please specify
Which exam ("concours") do you prepare?
Which master?
One word to sum up your visit today?
Saisie obligatoire
Thank you for sharing your comments with us here! Your opinions are important to us! (You can leave your contact information here if you want to try to win a prize!)